LoveTheRavines Fall4Ravines photography exhibit at Patagonia

LoveTheRavines has their Fall4Ravines photography exhibit on display at Patagonia Toronto (500 King St W) until the first week of December, and four of my photos are on display.   Please take a few minutes to consider signing their petition to add the Don and the Humber Rivers to the Ontario Greenbelt.

I wanted to give a shout out to the other photographers (in no particular order) who had their images selected.  I look forward to meeting you Dec 3 at the evening reception at Patagonia.

Nicole Czorny nczorny , Jacquelyn Sloane Siklos (ig: @sloanesiklos), Joanna Johnston (ig: @joannacjohnston),  Sammy T (ig: @sammytangir), Ashley Therriault (ig: @ashtario), @lisarobertsonpics, Jonathan Scott Duder (ig: @jonathanduder ), Jeff Coussin: aka The Life & Adventures of Lenny Dawg (ig: @luciditydesign), Gabriel Bizeau-Régis (ig: @atroutatemyhomework), Gary Wallenwein ig: @totemblaze, Dan Berman ig: @scriptdr.

Here is my collage of the images as arranged to match those hung and curated by Phil Anderson, Executive Director of Gallery 1313.  I had excepted image titles and instagram ids at the exhibit, but there wasn’t any when I checked it out Nov 15 (update: the Official Facebook album had captions/titles for the images so I updated below (only 17 of the pics are there though)).  I’ll included them as I searched around below.
Fall4Ravines Collage 1Fall4Ravines Collage 2

Fall4Ravines Collage 3

Collage 1, top left to bottom right are:

Collage 2, top left to bottom right:

And the final collage are three by sammytangir:

Here is a link to all the #Fall4Ravine tags on instagram via iconosquare.

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