Tag Archives: marvel

Marvel NOW buys a category on Jeopardy

jeopardy-200icon-1When I received the press release from Marvel announcing that their Marvel NOW product launch would be featured via product placement as a category on Jeopardy in tomorrow’s (Dec 13 2012) episode I was astonished.  Jeopardy allows companies to buy a category or  answer on their show?  In my youth I was a faithful viewer of the quizshow and admit I haven’t been a TV watcher in over a decade so figured I should do a bit of research.

Seems to the day in 2005, Jeopardy had a category “Apple of my Eye” which Apple Computers bought.  IBM started negotiations with Jeopardy in 2008 to feature their Watson computer on the show.   April of last year featured the MET Opera‘s new season line-up.  According to the Jeopardy FAQs website, the show is rife with commercial tie-ins these days.

I wonder, was it always so and I was too naïve to notice, or is this a change in the product in the last 7+ years?  Do you have other instances you’d like to share of Jeopardy selling out?

Celebrate Spider-man’s 50th Birthday at NYCC 2012

Marvel Entertainment is teaming up with New York City Comicon this coming weekend to help celebrate Spider-man’s birthday and has invited the Mayor of New York City to participate.  Amazing Spider-man #700 (the “last” Amazing Spider-man comic?) is just around the corner too (see cover image above and lead-up video below).

Update: Oct 19. So many people contributed to a giant Spider-man birthday card at the NYCC that they’ve won a Guinness World Record!

Spider-man Birthday Card -- 2707 signatures